Ski guides at the well prepared piste slopes / in the backgroung the light of the sun

Skischool Alpendorf Family.Snow.Fun

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Company details and legal details

Skischule Alpendorf GesbR
Alpendorf 10
5600 St. Johann im Pongau
Johann Höllwart, Ski school leader
Franz Kerschbaumer, Ski school leader
Fabio Kerschbaumer, Managing director of the ski school

Company informationen

Company name: Skischule Alpendorf GesbR
UID-Nr.: ATU 56475344
Jurisdiction: Landesgericht Salzburg
Ski instructor of the ski school Alpendorf

Bank account

Bank: Salzburger Sparkasse
Account nr.: 0040629818
Blz: 20404
IBAN: AT082040400040629818
UID: ATU 56475344

Information on online dispute resolution

according to Art. 14 (1) ODR Ordinance
The EU Commission offers the possibility for online dispute resolution on a platform that it operates (known as the “ODR platform”). The ODR platform can serve as a focal point for out of court settlement of disputes arising from online sales contracts or service contracts. This platform can be reached via the external link

Data privacy

Data privacy is very important for our company. Check our whole data privacy statement ».

Concept, design and implementation

photo material ©

  • Skischule Alpendorf GesbR
  • Tourismusverband St. Johann-Alpendorf
  • Werbeagentur Algo